Surprise! Well not really, in the last update I said that the games were in St Louis, but in limbo. If you’ve been following the comment page or our Facebook, you’ll see that they escaped limbo! And our friends at Greater Than Games have already slammed out 95% of the US orders. These arrived late […]
AEGIS in the USA, get your tables ready!
Hello Robot Family! This is an exciting one with tons of content. The most important being, AEGIS has cleared customs in the USA and is now headed toward St. Louis! Read all about it in our newest Kickstarter update! Here are a few bullet points to get you started. Shipping! We’ve been going back and forth with […]
AEGIS is on the boat and GEN CON!!!
Hello Robot Family! IT’S HAPPENING! AEGIS is proofed, ordered, printed and paid for and on the boat coming to America as we type. As long as the shipping gods allow nothing to go wrong (cross your fingers and toes!) fulfillment will start in September. Thank you for your patience through arguably this most difficult process. […]
Kickstarter Update Episode 24: The Game Lives!
Hello again Robot Family! IT’S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! As I sit here and type this, copies of A.E.G.I.S. are being manufactured, printed, and packaged up! You can check out all the details in our Kickstarter update. Before you head over there, here is the important info you need to know: [list type=”square”] Due to shipping logistics, we’ll […]
Kickstarter Update #23 Tray Mold, the Saga Continues!
Hello again robot family! It’s happening, manufacturing proofs are wrapping up! The last thing we needed was the mold for the vacuum tray that’ll hold everything in the box. We’ve gotten pictures of it, and it’s looking good! There was a slight miscommunication with the manufacturer, but it’s been resolved and we’re expecting a physical […]
March Kickstarter Update: Wrapping Up!
Hello again robot family! Time for another AEGIS update, this is a good one. This update includes an unboxing of the the first production proof! These box components are mostly final, but there may be some small changes in the final product. As always, it’s full of the production process, design, and lore. Check it […]
AEGIS Spring Tournament, Fight! Round 2 + Finals Report!
It Continues! Back again, for more news of the tournament! Here we have a second post about our exciting Pre-Release Tournament. Opened for backers with the Tabletop Simulator full demo, so far players have been fighting for their (robot’s) lives for a shot at victory. Who will claim eternal victory and glory? Keep reading to […]
AEGIS Spring Tournament, Fight! Round 1 Report!
It Begins! Hey there robot family, the time has come! For the game to arrive in your eager hands? Well, no, sadly, but that’s coming soon! Our most recent prototype looks great! In the meantime though, we’ve started a Pre-Release Tournament for backers with the Tabletop Simulator full demo, and it’s been a doozy. The […]
Mini-Update: Delays!!
A Merry Robotmas to all!! I come to you today with good news and bad news in the form of a mini update, with our usual big, meaty Kickstarter Update coming before New Years. 1. Since PAX Unplugged we’ve all been working hard, and the good news is the game is almost all done! 2. […]
Thanksgiving Kickstarter Update!
Hello again robot family! It’s time for another check-in on AEGIS! Our newest update gives you a fine-fresh look at all sorts of new, finished Commander art by our main man Dan, as well as shots of what the final game looks like! Check it out.