AEGIS Core Box and 6p Mat, Sold Out!

You heard it right, robot fam. As of March 2020, we have no more AEGIS Core Boxes or 6-Player Mats. Just a year after publishing, we’ve burned through it all!

good night, sweet prince, until we reprint you

So what happens if you missed the boat?

We still have around 30 Deluxe Boxes, which hasn’t been available for sale until now! So if you don’t yet own AEGIS, that is the way to go.

The Deluxe Box is the same as the Core Box, but it comes with the Variant Command expansion already inside it, along with a double-sided poster that shows all the robots. It’s very neat, and these were originally only available to Kickstarter backers.

We are also doing one more run of Scenario Books, which adds a plethora of different things to do with all those robots we give you. It has scenarios for 2, 3, 4 and 6 players, each with suggested teams, map setups and special rules, so you can jump right into a wild AEGIS match without thinking on the setup. It also fits inside your AEGIS box for easy storage!

Lastly, if you’ve previously bought the Core Box, you can still grab the Variant Command expansion, which adds 10 alternate forms of your favorite robots, tied to specific Commanders. Like using Gamound? Why not use Gamound with his own special version of the SSM-3000?

And it’s never too late to grab some more AEGIS dice, for all your general d6 needs! They’re so pretty.

What’s next?

In the immediate future, we plan to both reprint the first box and print an all new sequel box this year. The reprint of the first game won’t be changing much or obsoleting the box you own, just cleaning up typos and quality of life issues. If you have any suggestions, we’d always like to hear from you.

The new AEGIS box, which you can sign up to preview and playtest here, will be totally stand-alone (but still cross-compatible with the first box) and introduce all manner of new robots and mechanics, while delivering a more streamlined, easy-to-learn experience. It’s very exciting!

Keep an eye out!

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