Five Things You Won’t Believe A.E.G.I.S. did in 2015

2015 was our biggest and most outstanding year yet!  For a recap of our milestones, check out these Best of A.E.G.I.S. 2015 images.

Here are our top five of 2015!

1.  Signing a Publishing Deal with Greenbrier Games

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We’ve been picked up by a publisher with tons of awesome games and multiple successful Kickstarters!


2.  Limited Print of Stellar Ascent

aegis best of 4We’ve sold the last boxes of the self published game!


3.  New Prototype Assets

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Shiny new assets of what the game is shaping up to look like!  If you’re a reviewer and would like to review the game, contact us!


4.  New Graphic Design

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Updated graphic design to go with the new assets!


5.  Continued Balancing and Playtesting

aegis best of 1Continual testing of the robots and game types to ensure the game is the best it can be and full of combining robot fun!


A.E.G.I.S. is miles ahead of where it was last year, and as such we’re looking for running our Kickstarter THIS YEAR in Q1.  Thank you for your never ending support, we’re immensely humbled by our fans love of the game.


Here’s to an ever better 2016!

-Zephyr Workshop

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